I’m going to give a little contrast tonight. This first poem is pretty powerful. I wrote it after a friend of mine who is an
EMT had to deal with his first death of a child and his second death of a child
on the same die. The first child was a
4-year-old girl who died of a previously known condition. They worked hard to revive her, but they
ended up pulling the plug later that day at the hospital. Right after they got that call from the
hospital they were called out for an 11-year-old boy who had hung himself using
a belt the top bunk of his bunk bed. I’m
not sure if they ever came to a conclusion as to why he did it, but I know
there was some talk of bullying at school.
I can’t imagine what my friend felt that day.
No Child Deserves to Die
Now I have never
been a firefighter or EMT,
And I have no
desire to ever be one,
But I can imagine
that that the worse thing they ever have to face is the death of a child
They face death
But there is a big
difference between a 90-year old cancer patient and a 5th grader
I can't even begin
to imagine the thoughts that would race through your head
As you end chest
compressions and stare into those blank eyes
How could you even
come back from that?
How could you go
to sleep that night and wake up the next morning and go right back to work?
I don't think I
could do it,
And I applaud
those who can.
Whether it is by
accident, disease, or by his own hand,
There is never a
reason why a child should die,
Far too soon
before his time
And no matter hard
you try, you will never be able to find justification
So you can curse
at God, but it will never help
There's only one
thing you can do,
And that is keep
fighting: keep saving every life that you can.
second poem was an off-shoot of that one.
It’s a horrible thing when anyone commits suicide; it’s even worse when
it is a child.
Sometimes You Don't Have to be a Doctor to Save a Life
You don't have to spend 10 years in school to save a life
It does not always require a transplant or blood transfusion
There is no need for emergency surgery or heroic measures
Because saving a life does not always require anesthesia
Sometimes what it takes is someone there to listen
Someone there to reach out a helping hand
Someone there to stitch the cuts you've put in your arm
And to cut down that make-shift bedsheet noose
I have saved a life, and I know others who have done the same
And I know that each one of those survivors will do their best to save
a life
And those survivors will do just that too
It is a vicious cycle that I hope to never see end
There is never a reason to bring yourself to God's hand
Life may not always be great, but that is why we keep living:
So that we can keep trying to make life great
There is always room for improvement and that is what pushes us to do
better things
No one ever wants to be content, because everyone wants to be happy
There is a difference, a lesson hard-learned
So keep fighting, keep fighting to break the mold
Keep fighting against every little dissatisfaction
And don't ever let anyone tell you no,
Don't ever let anyone tell you can't
Because you can and you will
And that is how you find happiness.
last one is a little silly and I figure it’ll somewhat balance the first two. But if you’ve read this blog, you’ll
Beliebers Anonymous
I'm a little ashamed to admit that I have a soft spot for Justin Bieber
He is whiny and obnoxious and a teenager and a pop singer and Canadian,
all things I hate
But somehow he sneaks his way onto my iPod--though just the one song
I swear, it's just the one song (though I might be open to others)
Though this boy king offers us rhymes of "fondue" and
And sings one-word choruses, reiterating it over and over driving it so
far deep into your head,
I must admit, I have mad respect for this kid,
This kid who went who went from street corners to sold-out arenas,
This kid who can hit notes like Freddie Mercury
Probably the best investment Usher has ever made
I'm sure Scooter Braun enjoys his pay check
Though I am guilty of helping project his fame
How many times I've requested his single, I do not wish to say
This is far more embarrassing than the time I decided I liked
Shorty got low low low low
Now please do not take away my man card for my confessions; I am just
trying to be honest
It is not like I am proud of any of this
And I swear to you, you will not find any Bieber posters plastered on
my wall
And I am not part of the reason why he is perpetually trending on
And you will never, ever, ever hear my call myself a
But I will say this: I would not be opposed to spending a day with this
young man
In fact, you will find it on my Bucket List
Just to sit down and talk with one of the most influential figures
Who could very well be the next Paul McCartney despite his dorky get-up
and silly haircuts.
EDIT: I did a rare re-write of the Bieber
poem and wanted to share it here.
Anonymous: A Music Snob's Confession
I am a little
ashamed to admit that I kind of like justin bieber
And when I say a
little, what I really mean is a lot--
This is worse
than when I decided I liked Flo Rida thanks to Tom Cruise in Tropic Thunder
I am, what I
suppose you would call, a music snob
I like my folk
music and indie rock and legit hip hop--
Bob Dylan, the
Avett Bros, Mumford and Sons, The Kooks, and Kid Cudi
I'm the kind of
guy who is open to new things but knows what he likes and what he doesn't
And I do not. Do
not. Like pop music, no pop music unless it's from 1964--I love the Beatles,
let's get that right
But somehow this
high-pitched Canadian teeny-bopper has wedged his way into my heart and onto my
Please, do not
No seriously,
please do not laugh--this is a serious poem, not funny.
There is nothing
more serious than when a music snob admits to liking a pop artist.
But seriously
though, I am not sure we give him enough credit
I got mad
respect for the Boy King
He might be all
about image and style, but then again, so were The Beatles
And although he
rhymes fondue with you
And references
animated characters from before he was born,
The kid has
talent; he can hit notes like no other
That is some
Freddie Mercury kind of stuff
That is some
Jesus Christ Superstar kind of stuff
That is shatter
a glass of water kind of stuff
This kid used
that talent to go from rags to riches, from street corners to sold-out arenas
It is easily a
Cinderella kind of tale
Easily the best
investment Usher has ever made; I'm sure Scotter Braun loves his bi-weekly pay
I would love to
be able to sit down and talk with him a while
Cuz I admire his
strive and dedication
And how much he
is so willing to give back.
But even so, I'm
embarassed to admit that I crank his latest single with the bass turned high;
It sometimes
gets me stranges looks, especially with the windows down at the gas pump.